Did a lung-capacity test yesterday, according to doctor looks great I can reduce my asthma sprays by one, and not only that! Instead of taking 2 sprays twice a day I am down to one once a day! Ain't life grand? So today he wanted to do a second test, first relaxation then after exercise and blood drawing before and during exercise to determine the oxygen. Ok, I didn't do too well during exercise, but I am not really surprised. After all I haven't been doing any exercise for the last 4 months due to the colics and the operation and the healing process thereafter. - Not that I have ever been a world-class athlete to begin with. But it wasn't that bad. So after all it is settled I am off of one spray and the second is down to once a day. Yeah!
After doctors visit we had a sandwich at San Francisco Coffee Company. I had an ice tea while the ghost had a caramel cappucchino or something like that. I hate coffee, so a coffeeplace is not really something I frequent on a regular basis. I was hoping to have a muffin and the ghost was in desperate need of a bagel, instead we had neither. The muffins were too big for my taste, I wouldn't have been able to eat one and the ghost didn't want one. And bagels they don't have. Hmm. Ok. My fault for not checking earlier.
Anyway we decided to drive to Schloss Nymphenburg in hope to get a good shot of a swan. But it was lunchtime, so they were only eating, diving underwater with their long necks, the light was too bright, and it was generally really hot and the ghost gets a headache if he is in the sun for too long. So we headed back after only one hour.
First thing we did - of course - checking out the pictures on screen. Dimwit, me, being thirsty as hell I opened a bottle of water, placed it next to me and after the 5th picture somehow pushed the bottle. Although only a small amount spilled it was enough that the keyboard decided to resign service. Good thing I have 3 spare keyboards :-)
Put wet keyboard out in the sun. If drowning wasn't enough to kill it permanently maybe a sunburn will. Back to the pictures ...