Yesterday, the ghost and I ventured to go on a trip for a long weekend. So we packed our stuff, pulled out the cat feeder and gave the key to our neighbor to check in sometime, if the beasts have killed each other or our furniture ...
Halfway on our way to my parents, about 300 km's driven, the ghost felt natures call, but since there was a traffic jam ahead of us, we were already in it, he decided instead of tagging along like a snail until the next rest area we should take the next exit, since there was a McDonald in plain view. A McDonalds restroom is as good as any resting area along the Autobahn. So we took off and were about to take a left to drive up a hill to the McDonalds, when we saw a silver car coming along, so we waited, since he had the right of way. But a black car coming downhill, probably after a feast at McD, misinterpreted the sitaution terribly and started driving out on the main road and inevitably crashed with the silver car coming along the main road.