Found in Matil's Photoblog a song by De La Vega - Surely. A video can be found on their internet site under discorgraphy.
Seems to be a belgian newcomer. I like it!.
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Found in Matil's Photoblog a song by De La Vega - Surely. A video can be found on their internet site under discorgraphy.
Seems to be a belgian newcomer. I like it!.
Posted at 07:45 PM in Music, Photography, Weblogs | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
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I've just about had it with television.
TV Documentary To Seek Volunteers To Decompose On Camera I thought I was joking, when some months ago I wrote in my blog, that in the following of reality tv shows - the next thing we were about to watch would be a live broadcast suicide.
Well, with this, we are not too far away. Right? I mean why commit suicide off camera and then decompose, if you could do it on camera too. So if you sucked during your life time why not become famous afterwards. Now, ain't that a hell of a story?
Please, spare me. I thought this was a joke when I read about this tv format in the new column of journalist and writer Barbara Wenz when browsing her blog. But then I searched for it on the internet and was shocked - to put this mildly - when I read the a.m. article. I am seriously appalled.
Posted at 10:30 PM in Current Affairs, Joolez, Weblogs | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
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Max Melvin is still going strong, although I must have heard the same song for the last two days without end. I haven't tired of it yet. Need a little Magnolia yourself?
Posted at 10:00 PM in Joolez, Music | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
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Posted at 07:55 PM in Current Affairs, Weblogs | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
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Riding on the subway today I was watching people, when me eyes were drawn to this young, tall man who was watching th young woman standing next to him. Obviously they were no strangers, as they were having a conversation. Watching the woman, she seemed pretty indifferent to him and her surroundings, not paying attention to anything noticeable.
He, on the contrary was watching her from sideways, and everytime he laid his eyes on her, his eyes would light up, and travel over her face. He's got this "dreamy face". Obviously he had a major crush on her. Not apparent was if he knew about this himself. Definitely she didn't know. And it didn't seem if she cared anyway. She never really looked at him, not even when they were talking. She was staring holes in the ground.
Posted at 12:44 AM in Joolez | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
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Damaged- Plumb
Dreaming comes so easily
'Cause it's all that I've known
True love is a fairy tale
I'm damaged, so how would I know
I'm scared and I'm alone
I'm ashamed
And I need for you to know
I didn't say all the things that I wanted to say
And you can't take back what you've taken away
'Cause I feel you, I feel you near me
I didn't say all the things that I wanted to say
And you can't take back what you've taken away
'Cause I feel you, I feel you near me
Healing comes so painfully
And it chills to the bone
Will anyone get close to me?
I'm damaged, as I'm sure you know
There's mending for my soul
An ending to this fear
Forgiveness for a man who was stronger
I was just a little girl, but I can't go back
Posted at 08:05 PM in Joolez | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
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Since Sunday we are having snowy rain and today the first snow is on the street. Well, more on the trees, the street is only wet. After all it is November!
Posted at 08:48 AM in Joolez | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
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... what's wrong ... Everything seems to fuck up one way or the other. Last weekend the horrible attempt on visiting the parents that ended with a major car crash. Last night I ate a couple of tomatoes with basil when out of the blue the dish split in exactly two halves, right in the middle. This morning I attempted to make waffles for the ghost and whipped up the dough, when that stupid bowl keeled over and the contents spilled over the counter, the cabinets, my new linnen bag as well as unto the freshly mopped floor.
Of course then I first had to clean, then whip up another batch until I could finally think of actually making the waffles.
Don't you just hate it when everything seems to go wrong?
Posted at 01:10 PM in Joolez | Permalink | Comments (1) | TrackBack (0)
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