The second week of my parents visit is almost over and I am amazed at what they have done so far. Together with my boyfriend they painted the bedroom first white, then a light rosé, laid down the laminate flooring and also attached the stucco to the ceiling/walls.
At first I wasn't really sure about that rosé. But now with everything else it really looks beautiful. A bit girlish, yes, but so light and airy and friendly, you just want to go and cuddle, and never leave. I love it.
Yesterday we discovered a whole bunch of ladybugs in the newly renovated bedroom. Is it the rosé that attracted them or are they just looking for a nice and cozy place to cuddle up for the winter and hibernate? The ghost took them all out. Spoil-sport, nasty. Well, one rescued himself - or maybe herself, I don't really know, into the bathroom together with the little green cricket that was our summerguest. I am assuming it's him again. I mean how many crickets can you have as visitors when you live in the city?
I am well prepared to take them in as houseguests, together with that nasty little spider that is crawling the bathroom ceiling. If he gets too big or starts munching on the other houseguests: out you go in a big swoop.
There is a huge disgusting spider hanging from the garage ceiling, yuck, yuck, double-yuck. I always make sure I make a quick entrance and an even quicker out! I guess soon it's going to be too cold on the scooter anyway. Right now it's still ok. Although I am starting to wear boots, gloves and a scarf when I take a ride in the morning.
Dreading the wintertime when I am back to walking by foot. Scooter-riding is sooooooooo much more fun. Why didn't I ever take it up earlier?