.. that's about all the magic you need!
Yeah, rrright!
As we all (who have come of age) know, growing old has its nasty perks. One of them: grey / white hair. And since I really, really can't see anything graceful about grey hair when I am only in my mid-forties, of course I have it dyed (more like tinted) every 6-8 weeks.
On the bright side I still have lots and lots of hair (even in places where I really wish I didn't, but that might be information than you can handle) and it's growing strong! Meaning that after 6-8 weeks you can see about a 2 cm line of grey hair on top and on the sides. A well-meaning hairstylist and a like-minded cosmetician shared their "secret" with me and recommended, I use an old mascara on the sides, so it doesn't show as much. I should forget about the top of my head, as there are only few people who can actually look down on my head. So far so good.
So this morning I grabbed a mascara - which I never use on my lashes, as they are dark and long, so I am totally ok with them - and thought I'd finally found a use for it. Well ... Let me just put it that way: Don't try this at home, and definitely not outside of your home. It does NOT work, it looks stupid plus it might smear and makes your hair stick up and out.
I should have known that this is stupid. Both women who furnished me with this trade-secret are blonde. So I highly doubt they eber tried this themselves. Never heard of blonde mascara! Believe me when I say: the grey looks bad, yes it does, but the mascara thingy looks far worse!