To all of you out there who are waiting their whole lives for some perfect guy to come into your lives and sweep you off your feet, well guess what: He's not coming!
Love is not something that just happens to you, it's hard work for two people to work at their relationship to work and not loose tha attraction that once brought them together.
Because - NEWSFLASH! - it's not love at first sight that you experienced, it is called attraction, and while attraction surely plays a major part in initializing a relationship, it is also the one thing to leave the relationship first, if you don't work hard on the rest.
So stop waiting for the perfect guy and find the "right" guy. The one who actually wants to have that relationship with you and make it work.
Attraction? Highly overrated and as it turns out: We all loose it sooner or later. And you never know who 's the one to loose it first. You or him. So what's left when the one thing you based your relationship on has left? Right: Nothing.
So my advice: Forget "Mr. Perfect", find "Mr. Right" instead because it might just happen that attraction and love might follow in his steps.