Since the going-to-work debacle of this morning just 5 mins ago I found out about the freezer-debacle.
So, after I left the house this morning around 7 a.m. and the stowing away of foods shortly thereafter I had not been to the kitchen at all. Which is why only now, after I decided to go into the kitchen to start preparing for dinner, so that the starved boyfriend, after a long work-day will not collapse right then and there on the spot, I saw the horrors! Or say: I felt it first.
I love being barefoot at home, unfortunately that also means that I will step in each and everything the cats leave in their wake, be it sand from the litterbox or furballs (let me explain to those who don't have cats, a furball, although it sounds quite cute and clean is anything BUT!)
So there I was, wet feet in an otherwise dry kitchen. And then I saw it: water started oozing out at the bottom of the freezer. Not in a wild stream or such, but a steady dribble. I assume, that when the boyfriend -dearest-, this morning took out some bread from the freezer, he apparently hadn't shut the freezer door all the way. So although it looked closed, it wasn't, and since more than 10 hours had passed everything had started to melt ...
When I opened the freezer door this is what I saw ...
A flush of happiness flowing through my body and a flush of cold water flowing through my toes I started cleaning up.
Needless to say, that whatever is cooking tonight might not be prepared with love ... it rather my be served "ice-cold"!
Bon Appetit!