My personal nightmare:
Sticking the cat with a needle 5 times a day, in between feeding her renal diet food mixed with water through a syringe at least 5 times a day for the next few days, only to be looking forward to maybe next week starting with infusions 3 times a week (more needle-action).
I know that in a coule of days she will feel better and all this is only to make her feel better, but oh how she detests me right now! Well, at least while I do this. 20 minutes later she'll be at my side purring again. Still.
On one hand she is an old cat, 16 years, and chronic kidney disease can not be "healed". On the other hand, with good care she can still live a lot longer (well, with an old cat you never know how "long" that will be). So what do you do?
For now I feel she doesn't want to go ... yet, she might have some fight left in her, but will I know "when" to let go?
So much easier with the other two before her, they were just really sick and everything we did just didn't help. And I could exactly pinpoint that moment when they wanted to "go". But with her it's really not easy to "know."