Tuesday morning, it is 5.15 in the morning and my Ragdoll boy comes to the bedroom, crying. Well, my morning is officially over now.
He is crying because my partner left for work and possibly forgot to say a proper goodbye, also telling him, that he will be back. So naturally the poor Ragdoll boy is confused: "My human is gone, I don't know if he is EVER coming back. I should alert the other human to this fact!"
Thank you Jeremy! How else would I have ever known? I could have been just sleeping.
I can calm him down a minute by petting him, but unfortunately now that I am up I urgently need to go to the bathroom. Telling him that I will be back, I make a quick run to the bathroom. But when I come back - while discovering that my secret superpower is to find furniture in the dark with my toes - Jeremy (the Ragdoll boy) decides that I have left him for too long and he needs to move on. People are just too unreliable.
Or maybe he got scared by the large figure that screamed very loud when the toe hit the corner of the bed? In any case he is leaving, I am awake and the birds are singing. Not quite sure what they are so happy about at this time, but I guess it is safe to say that none of them stubbed their toe on their beds.
All attempts at getting back to sleep are futile. I lie awake in my bed and finally decide to get up, noticing that all cats - including Jeremy the Ragdoll boy - are sound asleep. It seems that by 7:20 also the birds have gone back to sleep, as it suddenly gets very quiet outside.
So all in all just another Tuesday morning: Hello world, I am awake. Why have you gone back to sleep?