What can you say to a person who has complained and even cried about the fact that the office seating chart placed "that person" in a space by the door, instead of next to the window, and with her whining, crying and wallowing "that person" achieved a new seating chart that placed "that person" next to the window and also gave "that person" two desks, because "that person" needs the space, whereas one of the other two colleagues of "that person" had to cram their stuff (2 scanners, one of which is huge) and two monitors on one desk and the person with the asthma who really needed to sit at the window for the sheer need of fresh air now sits at the door, while "that person" still complains of everything: it's too cold when the window is opened, the sun is blinding, so "that person" really needs to pull down the shades - while the person at the door hardly has any light, and dares to mention this to "that person" whose only response is: "I really need to take care of my eyes, they get inflamed easily."
And the best part really is, "that person" still thinks that the others are far better off. Well, bitch, stop complaining already, if you really think you are worse off now, then why on earth did you not stick with the original plan?
Some people, really only think of themselves and even when they get all they wanted it's still like: There's a fly in the ointment!
Don't we all just loooooooove "that person" in our lives? I know, I do!
And my special treat this month: Starting next month I will not only share a small office space with "that person", but also with another person with whom I was seated before and really missed like a hole in the head, and on top of it next to me and opposite of me there are two heavy smokers seated, one of which also not only smells of the tobacco but also has some other olfactory problems, to put it nicely.
Even when I thought it couldn't get any worse, somebody still found a way to make my office life even more "hellish". Why don't you just just go ahead and poke a needle in my eye?
I am thinking of taking a spin in my washer tomorrow, mabye that'll straighten me out.