Auf meiner Reise die beste Foundation oder Tinted Moisturiser zu finden ist mein nächster Stolperstein "Becca".
Aufgrund meiner Schilddrüsenerkrankung ist mir immer und ständig zu warm. Selbst im Winter. Wenn andere sich dick einwickeln und Mützen, Schals und Handschuhe zum modischen Statement werden, dann ziehe ich maximal eine Strickjacke über, die ich offenlasse und Mütze, Schal und Handschuhe bleiben mir fern. Während Herr Happy es schafft in den befellten Handschuhen Eisfinger zu bekommen sind meine ohne Handschuhe so mollig warm, dass ich seine locker mitwärmen kann.
Also folgerte ich, dass Make-up aus einem heißen Land doch sicher so entwickelt sein wird, dass es auch bei tropischen Temperaturen noch maximale Standhaftigkeit beweist und nicht vom Gesicht läuft.
Damit liegt man bei Becca nicht falsch. Allerdings darf man auch nicht erwarten, dass die getönte Feuchtigkeitscreme alles abdeckt und man dick eingekleistert ist, damit jeder noch so kleine Makel unter einer Wand verschwindet. Es heißt ja bereits "Luminous Skin Colour". Das ist es auch. Ein zarter dezenter Schleier von Farbe. Wie alle "moisturiser" natürlich nicht matt, was mir ebenfalls entgegenkommt. Ich will ja nicht fahl aussehen, sondern natürlich und frisch leuchtend ... "glowing", "dewy fresh" und "radiant" sind die Stichwörter. Darum habe ich mich auch für keine Puder entschieden, obwohl diese ebenfalls sehr gut sein sollen.
Für die wenigen Stellen, an denen ich ein bisschen mehr Deckkraft will, nehme ich die Stick Foundation, die ich auch mit einem feinen Pinsel als Concealer benutze.
Ein interessantes Video wie man es benutzen kann fand ich auch YouTube. Natürlich gibt es auch Videos die sich nur mit Becca beschäftigen, zum Beispiel ein Video in drei Teilen.
Becca's Philosophie beruht darauf so natürlich wie möglich auszusehen. Also genau so wie ich es will. Keine poppigen Farben, keine zähen Cremes. Alles luftig und dezent. Irgendwie ein "Hauch von nichts", der alles positiv unterstreicht und so Wirkung zeigt.
Was mir übrigens besonders gefällt, von Becca gibt es eine Übersicht in der man die passenden Farben der ergänzenden Produkte finden kann: Becca Colour Matching Guide
Über Beach Tint, Primer und Rouge werde ich später schreiben, wenn ich diese Produkte vergleichen will.
Kennt Ihr Becca? Habt ihr es schon einmal ausprobiert? Was haltet ihr davon?
On my quest to finding the perfect - or at least near perfect - foundation or tinted moisturizer, whatever suits my needs best, I came across "Becca".
Since I have a thyroid problem I am constantly too warm, even in winter when others start wrapping themselves in coats, scarves, handkerchiefs and hats or caps, I will still only wear an open sweater.
So I was hoping a make-up stemming from a country where it's predominantly hot would best suit me. And I wasn't wrong. But you should not expect high coverage.
But since I wasn't necessarily looking for high coverage, I have always preferred a tinted moisturizer because I think it looks more natural, even if you can still see minor imperfections, "Luminous Skin Colour" from Becca is doing the trick for me. It balances my skins look and it will not give me this dreadful matte finish that I have never liked. The coverage is light, almost sheer. I have always found that a matte finish makes (my) skin look dull. Especially when you get older you don't want that!
I am sure it sounds stupid, and I know that these are glorified statements that are being thrown around each and every corner now, but it gives my skin a light and fresh "glow", it makes it look "dewy fresh" und "radiant". I'd love to use other words, but I don't know how else I can describe it. Because I like this look I didn't buy a face-powder, even though supposedly they are fantastic.
I have only few spots where I could use a little bit more coverage and that is why I bought the stick foundation and basically use it as a concealer.
I would actually love to try the actual concealer of which I have heard only great things, but I fear the consistency might be too heavy. Unfortunately I can't go anywhere to try out the Becca products, and I already bought the luminous skin colour in three shades, that luckily I can all use, but I didn't want to risk buying the concealer and ending up with three different shades.
As far as the luminous skin colour goes I wanted to buy the "Nude" which wasn't available, so I decided to get the "Camel" shade which turns out to be ok, but a wee bit on the yellow side for me. So when the "Cashmere" shade - a neutral tone became available I bought this one and it turned out to be a lot more suitable. But I still wanted the "Nude", so when it finally became available I bought it and it is the perfect shade for me. Becca has so many shades, that you might end up finding out that more than shade fits you. It might also depend on the season. Naturally our skin will be lighter in winter than in summer. So if you get two shades you can also mix them according to your changing skin colour.
I found an interesting video on how you can use it on YouTube. Of course there are also others, for example this video in three parts.
Beccas philosophy is based on the principle to look as natural as possible, which is exactly what I want. No shrill colours, no thick cremes, everything light and airy. A hint of nothing that will positively enhance my look without making me look "made up".
What I really love and find extremely helpful is the: Becca Colour Matching Guide
It helps you to find out which colours od which product will go together best.
One thing still escapes my understanding (with every brand including Becca), why the products can't have the same colour name so you immediately know what goes with what. If for example you don't have the same number of tinted moisturizer, foundation, concealer, powder you might as well add numbers to the names and for the product with fewer shade options you could just let the numbers speak for themselves, for example if you had a tinted moisturizer in a larger range of colours they would carry their numbers and if the concealers came in an array of fewer shades you could state that they cover the spectrum "01-03" ...
Just an idea of course. It would at least make it easier for the consumer, but Becca's table is already a huge help!
I also bought a couple of other Becca products, like the beach tint, eye tint, primer and creme blush and lip & cheek creme, shimmering skin perfector and a fantastic glossy lip tint. I will talk about these in more detail later.
Do you know Becca? Have you tried it? What do you think about it?